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Work Scents of the Orient by Maev

Scents of the Orient - colored varnish on copper - 2017

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105 cm x 85 cm ou 42" x 34"

Nominated for the 2015 Grands Prix du design - Montreal

Design by Maev-
Blue Bird Logo
Exhibition Workshop the Blue Bird Sidim-Montreal

Sidim Montreal Exhibition 2014

Exhibition Agora Galerie -New York by Maev

New York Exhibition 2012 Agora Gallery


Sculpture sur bois-
Chêne rouge de 500 ans

New-Japan- peint pendant le Tsunami de 2011
Vernis couleurs sur plaque de cuivre- Technique unique

90 cm x 120 cm ou 36 " X 48"


Atelier de Maev

Galerie d'art de Maev
l'Oiseau Bleu- Canada

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