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Artist who places himself, through the materials of copper and glass, the medium (varnishes) and the technique, among the "Contemporary-Trans-realistic" painters (name created to define his style), hence the marriage of subconscious and almost unreal images with the transparency of colors. The force often and the magic of the dream incites escape.

Artist outside of concept, reproducing images of the mind and its inner garden.

Magical colors, unique support and technique. Creations of pure imagination.

Painter exhibiting internationally, New York, Milan, Florence, Paris, Geneva, Montreal.

Maev does not hesitate to be an art and design consultant, in large projects where she is requested and to participate in large-scale projects.

Wood carving

For me, sculpture is a way to give new life to those who light up our lives. I take pleasure in beautiful days, in reviving trees that have been knocked down by wind or lightning. In this way, I allow them to be reborn for centuries to come.

These sculptures embellish spaces, leaving a trace for species that are often in danger of extinction.

Trees speak to us, they express in their forms, life, their lives.

Color varnish on copper

It's been 25 years since I chose to express myself on copper with colored varnishes and other materials.

The warmth of the copper through the transparency of the varnishes gives an incomparable shine to the whole.

The characters are stylized and highlighted in an abstract space. This composition gives the whole a different look, taking you into timeless spaces.

The goal in these works is to let the gaze go into spaces outside of time. These paintings are made to dream, escape and imagine other worlds elsewhere.

The spheres give movement and femininity, where men or women emanate sensuality.

Canadian Museum of Civilizations - Canada

Geneva 1989

Exhibition at the Forum le Grenil-

2016-11-30 18.36.00 2.jpg

Miami 2017

Virtual Exhibition

Montreal- Qc- Canada- 2013

Grand Gala des Arts Visuels ACADÉMIA XXI of May 11, 2013: received the title of ACADEMICIAN of the International Academy of Fine Arts of Quebec. This tribute of great distinction is given to her for her exceptional quality as a painter judged by her peers. Maev has also been nominated 3 times, including once for the Grand Prize of the Academy.


2010 Exhibition:

"What if the World was a Woman"

Canadian Museum of Civilizations - Cascades Room -

Outaouais- Qc.

Montreal at night

New York. 2012

Exhibition at Galerie Agora

Paris 1991

Maev is listed at the Hall aux toiles in Paris-


For Sale on:

Al Duomo- Florence- Italy
Montreal at night

Milan- 2013

Exhibition at the Sabrina Falzone Gallery, Art Critic - Solo

Florence- Italy- 2012

Exhibition Auditorium Al Duomo-

Montreal- 2015

Nominated for the 8th edition of the Grands Prix du design de Montréal - Cascadia Project - Hotel Category.

Canada 2018 _

Honorable mention for high level Aesthetics, Technique, and Recreation by the Circle Foundation.

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